Kollet User Dashboard

Accept Crypto

Accept cryptocurrencies with ease. No Transaction Fees. No Hidden Costs. You now have control over your finances.


Create an account and start investing in the future of currency.

Integrated PoS for Business

Allow customers to pay for products with our integrated tools. No need to code extra infrastructure to handle payments. Focus on your business.

No Transaction Fees

No need to bear fees per transaction in addition to crypto network fees when receiving crypto. Receive exactly what your users pay.

Simple Integration & Docs

We've written extensive documentation for our service. Our platform also features tools that can get you started right away without coding.

Kollet Pay

Conveniently pay crypto to Kollet users and merchants without having to pay network charges. Using our secure global network, go borderless with your payments.

Manage your own crypto assets

Send and receive crypto instantly as you please without the need to pay extra charges or wait for middlemen. You have the ultimate control.

Securely Built

Kollet is built with security in mind. Every critical operation is wrapped with security to ensure user accounts and operations are safe.

Works for Everyone

Freelancers, developers, entrepreneurs, individuals, startups and large or enterprise level businesses can use Kollet.

Ease of Use

We have apps that can help you operate and manage your crypto assets from anywhere in the world using any electronic device.

We believe in


We believe in cryptocurrency being the future of payments. With more mass adoption, we help you stay ahead in the financial world of payments with Kollet. Just sign up and enjoy all our features without hassle.

  • Constantly Improving Our Services.
  • Business Tools
  • Human Friendly Customer Support
  • Integrations Ready